Client Information

Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan & Transabdominal Scan

Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan & Transabdominal Scan

What is an ultrasound scan? Sound travels in waves. Ultrasound is a sound wave which travels at a higher frequency than we can hear.

Ultrasound machines form pictures by listening to how these sound waves interact with the different surfaces (tissues) within the human body. These ultrasound waves are sent into the body by moving a transducer over the surface of the skin. The pictures produced are interpreted by a sonographer who is highly trained in this specialty. I understand and give my consent that if the sonographer believes that there is any area of my baby’s development or the wellbeing of myself that needs to be brought to my attention, they will discuss their findings openly with me.

I give my Consent, in these circumstances, BSS will refer me, to my NHS care provider for ongoing further checks and provide me with a written report. It is my responsibility to ensure that I consult without delay, my NHS care provider.

Pelvic ultrasound scans can monitor changes in the uterus (womb) and the ovaries. There are two ways of performing a pelvic scan.

Transabdominal Ultrasound Scan

For this type of scan you will be asked to drink water to fill your bladder. The ultrasound probe is placed on the skin in the lower part of your tummy. This type of scan may be enough to gain all the information required, however sometimes a transvaginal scan will be offered if we need to gain more detailed information.

Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan

For this type of scan you will be asked to empty your bladder. You will be asked to remove your underwear for the examination and you will be covered by a sheet to maintain dignity and privacy.

A special slim probe is placed into the vagina. The vaginal probe is cleaned before use, covered with a protective sheath, and lubricated with sterile Jelly to make its insertion into the vagina easier and more comfortable. The probe is inserted very gently into the vagina. It is usually a painless procedure and will feel very similar to having an internal examination, but no speculum is used.

This examination can be performed at any time of life - in pregnancy, during menstruation (period).

If you have any questions about the procedure please discuss this with the staff performing the examination or contact our receptionist on 01233 502314 who will arrange for a clinical team to contact you prior to your appointment.

Giving my consent

We want to involve you in decisions about your scan. The sonographer will ask you if you are happy for the scan to go ahead. this is called verbal consent. If you do not wish to have the scan or may be undecided please tell the sonographer. It is your decision and you can change your mind at anytime. You may prefer and have the choice not to have an internal scan, but in this case, BBS may not be able to complete the scan, if the view is compromised/not clear. However, we will always start with an abdominal scan and if this is inconclusive, we will explain to you the transvaginal procedure, including any risks.

A trained chaperone will be present during your scan appointment to support /comfort you and assist the sonographer.

Please remember that you can ask the sonographer any questions you have at the time before, during or after your scan. If you would like more information about your consent process, please speak to a member of staff.

Are there any risks?

The procedure is considered to be very safe, still vaginal invasive procedures carry risks like e.g.  infection in the pelvic area, there for each client will be health screened/ risk assessed prior to a scan appointment. In line with Best Practice BabyScanStudio Ashford ltd. is monitoring all scan procedures.

Please inform the staff prior to the procedure if you have a latex allergy.

Will I feel any pain?

You cannot feel ultrasound waves, however, it is important for the sonographer to be able to scan you in the correct position and to gently press down on the probe to get a good view. For some people this may be minimally uncomfortable. If you do feel discomfort, please inform the sonographer so that suitable adjustments can be made, or the scan procedure can be ceased.

What happens after the scan?

You may eat drink and resume normal activities as soon as you wish.

In line with Best Practice BabyScanStudio Ashford ltd. is monitoring any concerns after  TV scan procedure and If you experience after your scan appointment any type of infection in your pelvic area you have to contact immediately your GP and update us BabyScanStudo Ashford ltd.

Contact us

if you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming or recent ultrasound scan please contact our receptionist on all 01233 502314.

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